About Us...
“SEZ WHO?” is an interactive game of humorous, witty, inspirational, sarcastic, and sometimes provocative quotations— made by virtually anyone in the world, whether it was uttered centuries ago, or as current as today— created by Chicago native/west suburban resident Rich Bysina. The name “SEZ WHO?” is registered (#2,273,299) with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The game was introduced on local cable TV in the early '90s, first in Addison, then continued in Glen Ellyn, and won the national Hometown Video Award as the best local cable program in the Entertainment category in 1993.
Intermittently over the years, Bysina has put together and announced his annual Top Ten “SEZ WHO?” Quotes of the Year awards, with money donated to the Jimmy V Foundation on behalf of the award recipients, who have included, among many others, Coach Lou Holtz, network broadcaster Jim Nantz, Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski, Karolyn (It's a Wonderful Life's Zuzu) Grimes, and the late Paul Newman.
After a long hiatus, Bysina has brought “SEZ WHO?” to the Internet at www.sezwhogame.com. While the game is played primarily via the computer, it can also be personalized for individual and group party entertainment. Bysina can be contacted at richsezwho@netzero.net.
Because the game “SEZ WHO?” is comprised exclusively of quotations, song lyrics and movie dialogue, it's identified promotionally as America's Most Quoted Game.